Combining ESWT and EMTT to Address Long Term Hip Pain - A CuraMedix Patient Success Story

March 30, 2022  |  By Elise Hamann

Combining ESWT and EMTT to Address Long Term Hip Pain (1)Time and again, we are told by our physician partners how much they value patient case studies and hearing from respected peers. This is the first in a new CuraMedix series of Patient Success Stories developed with that in mind.

Physician Background:
A Practice Focused on Regenerative Medicine

For decades, Dr. David Cunningham, founder of Infinity Health & Body, Mansfield, MA, has dedicated his life to helping men and women get the most out of their bodies. For patients seeking treatment to address the physical injuries of those who simply want to perform better and stay active — Dr. Cunningham is committed to helping motivated patients achieve their goals.

Dr. Cunningham is an active athlete and an avid cyclist, runner, and triathlon competitor.

His passion for regenerative medicine is evident and drives his innovative approach to longevity and health to help his clients stay on top of their game.

Challenges: A Look at the Patient Journey

Dr. Cunningham’s patient, John N, age 55, is an avid golfer and weightlifter who enjoys the outdoors and an active lifestyle.

After putting on some weight, John N. developed pain in the right hip and had been suffering and symptomatic for 2-3 years.

John N. reported an array of concerns including pain, which has impacted his quality of life for an extended period, that led him to seek treatment. He described stiffness and pain in his right hip while moving, which was also exacerbated after participating in his favorite activities.

John N. was tired of the pain and stiffness and sought relief from this repeating cycle of pain, inflammation, stiffness, and limited range of motion. After golfing or weightlifting, he would report back to Dr. Cunningham that he truly ‘pays for it’ the next day.

Before consulting with Dr. Cunningham, John had met with and was treated by three different specialists: an Orthopedist, a Physical Therapist, and a Chiropractor. Treatments included:

  • Dry needling
  • Physical therapy
  • Cortisone shots

Unsatisfied with those approaches to treating his pain and his health concerns, John's search for relief ultimately led him to Dr. Cunningham at Infinity Health & Body.

After a thorough examination and patient history review, Dr. Cunningham confirmed John’s diagnosis of primary osteoarthritis of the right hip.

A Combined Approach for Best Clinical Outcomes
Working with Dr. Cunningham means benefiting from his never-ending optimism about a patient’s potential and his relentless pursuit of the most effective and innovative ways to make tomorrow better than today.

 Here is Dr. Cunningham’s approach to treating John N.:

 Treatment Phase 1: Focused Shockwave (ESWT) Only

  • 2000-3000 pulses per session to the patient’s right hip–specifically the socket/cup of his hip joint
  • Treatment was scheduled for six sessions, 1-2 times per week depending on availability
  • No standoff was used for the deepest penetration
  • Energy level: minimum .25 mJ, but tracking maximum tolerated dose over time.

Treatment pause:

Dr. Cunningham then waited three months after the Phase 1 treatment series as shockwave continues to work after the last treatment and regenerate the damaged tissue.

Cunningham, David-EMTTTreatment Phase 2: EMTT Combined with ESWT

Cunningham, David-EMTT

Repeated protocol Phase 1 as above combined with EMTT

  • EMTT treatment: 4000-6000 pulses at Level 8 at 8 Hz
  • Per Dr. Cunningham, when treating and using EMTT, “More is more.”

With EMTT, John N. showed a significantly improved range of motion; he felt looser and more flexible, with a notable reduction in stiffness.

Dr. Cunningham’s approach when using and incorporating EMTT includes the following protocol:

  • For acute/sub-acute cases: 2X/week for 2-3 weeks
  • For chronic: 1X/week for a total of 6 times

Clinical Outcome and Benefits achieved:
A Happy and Active Patient

This is an inspiring patient success story as Dr. Cunningham delivered an outstanding patient outcome for John N. due to the combined treatment with ESWT and EMTT. John N. achieved significantly improved functional movement and reclaimed his range of motion. The patient is relishing reduced morning stiffness and pain allowing him to get back to the gym. More importantly, he is pleased to report that he is hitting the golf ball more smoothly and harder since treatment.

In fact, John reported back to Dr. Cunningham thrilled that he had shot his best round of golf ever on his home course post-treatment! He’s not just back to golfing – he’s playing better than ever.

The patient is enjoying an improved quality of life and function and has been successful in maintaining a higher level of fitness due to Dr. Cunningham’s treatment protocol.

Additional Commentary

John N.’s treatment and care is a work in progress. Dr. Cunningham is still working with him to stay on top of and treat his progressive degenerative condition. John N. has seen some return of pain. And while he eventually may still need a hip replacement, he has been extremely happy with the treatment and results to date buying him 12+ months of activity

Dr. Cunningham is also realistic that we can’t always reverse advanced degenerative changes. Down the road, should John N. need to undergo a hip replacement, Dr. Cunningham plans to incorporate both shockwave and EMTT into his peri-operative care plan - an approach that shows promise for reducing post-operative opiate requirements and speed return to full activity.

With results like this, it’s clear to see why Dr. Cunningham is so passionate about regenerative medicine.

Harness the Power of Shockwave and EMTT in Your Practice
CuraMedix is on the cutting edge of providing medical professionals with emerging regenerative technologies in medicine. As the top US distributor of STORZ Medical devices, including EPAT, ESWT, EMTT, and more, you can count on us for unrivaled marketing support and customer service.  

Need more details on EMTT, be sure to check out What is Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy (EMTT)?

And for a look at the technologies disrupting medicine, dive into Disruptive Innovation Examples in Medicine: ESWT, EPAT, and EMTT.

Ready to provide next-level patient care for your patients?

Many patients like John N. are out there, seeking non-surgical options to manage pain and musculoskeletal dysfunction. You can help – with the ‘right’ innovative medical technologies.

Contact us today to be connected with a shockwave or EMTT expert. We’d love to connect to answer any questions you may have.

Dr. David Cunningham shares the story of a patient with hip pain who was treated with a dual-protocol of ESWT with EMTT – it was a game-changer for this long-suffering patient.

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Topics: ESWT, EMTT