Tired of Being in Pain? Here's Why You Should Consider Shockwave Therapy

October 3, 2022  |  By Elise Hamann

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy - Effects and Impact on Musculoskeletal TissueIf pain is getting you down and keeping you away from the activities that you love – there's a way to get better faster.

Many patients report having tried all types of traditional methods to address pain with no lasting relief, some conservative, others invasive, including: 

  • RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevate)
  • Cortizone injections
  • Physical therapy 
  • Surgery

Here's the good news: You no longer have to suffer from pain! 

You've been on the pain roller-coaster long enough; now, with the help of shockwave and a medical professional you trust, you can tackle that pain once and for all. It's a better way forward to an active, healthy life (without PAIN).

Increasingly, patients like you are seeking safe, effective, non-invasive treatment options, and shockwave is a real game changer. It means getting back to the activities you love most in short order. 

What is Shockwave?

Shockwave therapy is today's most innovative approach to treating acute and chronic pain and connective tissue disorders. This safe, effective, evidence-based treatment is a sought-after option that often replaces the need for surgery and other invasive treatments. 

Essentially, shockwave, also known as ESWT or EPAT, are evidence-based medical technologies known to stimulate metabolism, enhance blood circulation, and accelerate the healing process. This treatment option is especially appealing to patients, like you, as it will help you get better faster, non-invasively, without downtime, or side effects. 

The benefits of shockwave are truly impressive:

  • Non-invasive
  • No anesthesia requires
  • No risk of infection
  • No scarring
  • No downtime
  • Over 80% patient satisfaction rate
  • Cost-effective
  • Faster, easier healing

Read more in our patient guide. 

How Can Shockwave Tackle Pain?

Shockwave treats the root cause of your pain non-invasively. 

It's important to note that shockwave is sometimes referred to as EPAT or ESWT. This advanced medical technology facilitates healing and accelerates recovery timelines. 

Shockwave awakens your body's regenerative potential rather than further wreaking havoc in an area that has degenerated due to a variety of causes (blood flow, tissue injury, overuse, physical trauma, or weakness).

So, instead of treating symptoms, shockwave gets directly to the root cause and delivers impressive outcomes. And that's a winning proposition if you have been suffering acute and chronic pain. 

In as few as 3 to 5 weekly 7 to 10-minute sessions in your medical professional’s office, you'll be on the fast track to healing, feeling better, and returning to the activities you love.

What Areas Can be Treated with Shockwave?

Physicians and medical professionals rely on shockwave to address pain in areas from head to toe, including:

  • Foot and ankle
  • Lower leg
  • Thigh and knee
  • Pelvis and hip
  • Back
  • Forearm, wrist, and hand
  • Upper arm and elbow
  • Shoulder
  • Neck
  • Trigger points
  • Neuromas

And, if by chance, you don't see where you are experiencing the pain listed above, we encourage you to start a conversation with your medical professional to find out more.

Check out patient testimonials and discover why there's a high patient satisfaction rate – over 80% of those who've received treatment are raving fans.

Who Should Avoid Shockwave?

There are rare occasions when shockwave is contraindicated:

  • Patients who are pregnant should avoid treatment.
  • If a patient has a tumor near the treatment site.
  • Any patient with a blood clotting disorder.
  • Any patient with a pacemaker.                             

Again, it's important that any medical professional treating you be fully informed of your health history.

You're Interested in Shockwave and Still Have Questions

It's always best to speak with your doctor or healthcare provider about questions you may have regarding your treatment options and health concerns. 

If your doctor has invested in shockwave (EPAT, ESWT) and other regenerative technologies from CuraMedix, they will be ready to address any concerns you may have. Rest assured, knowing your doctor has extensive knowledge and specialized training in all aspects of its use, safety, and effectiveness.

Pain-Free Living is Within Reach

You have suffered long enough. It’s time to take action for lasting relief.

Break free from the shackles of pain once and for all − with shockwave!

Just imagine − returning to the activities you love sooner rather than later. Moving freely. Without pain. Without limitation. 

  • Get back in the swing of things on the golf course
  • Get your groove back on the dance floor
  • Be a contender: resume your competitive sport of choice
  • Bend, stretch, reach, lift, jump
  • Walk, run, swim, row, ski, hike, climb mountains
  • Exercise, and get out in nature
  • Bottom line − get back to doing what YOU love most
Invest in your wellness and get treated with the gold standard in regenerative medicine. With ESWT and EPAT, you will experience safe treatment and ignite your body's normal healing process. 

Get back to the active, joyful life you deserve. Learn more in our patient guide.
Call today and talk with your medical professional to see if shockwave is right for you! 

Topics: Patient Communication, shockwave