Physician Overview of Shockwave Therapy in Practice: ESWT in Neurology

March 23, 2023  |  By Elise Hamann

Physician_Overview_of_Shockwave_Therapy_in_Practice_-_ESWT_in_NeurologyIn the latest publication in the ever-popular Level 10 research series, hear from world-renowned shockwave experts, Prof. Dr. Karsten Knobloch and Prof. Dr. Tomáš Nedělkai, in this comprehensive volume, ESWT in Neurology. This thorough book covers one of the newest and most exciting areas of application of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy in treating neurological conditions.

This volume’s in-depth coverage discusses shockwave treatment for several neurological disorders. It’s easy to access your area of interest thanks to the well-planned organization of material. The book’s content is sorted by topic, with insights on neurological treatment with ESWT, including:

  • Peripheral Nerve Entrapment
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Diabetic Neuropathy
  • Morton’s Neuroma
  • Non-diabetic Symmetric Polyneuropathy
  • Neuroplasticity
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Unresponsive wakefulness
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Concussion in sports and non-degenerative sequelae
  • Spasticity (from Stroke, MS, Cerebral Palsy) And more

Neurological Conditions and Disorders 

Central nervous system (CNS) diseases and peripheral nerve damage are among the primary neurological conditions requiring medical intervention. The impact of CNS diseases must be considered because the illnesses are often severe. Peripheral nerve damage is painful and affects movement, and can also be debilitating.

While these diseases are challenging, ESWT has emerged as a promising therapeutic approach with new possibilities for optimal outcomes. This Level 10 book will be referenced repeatedly for Neurological treatment considerations.

How is ESWT Revolutionizing Neurological Treatments

Neurological diseases are often linked with high mortality rates, and these complex conditions are known to have limited options for treatment. This is why ESWT is seen as an exciting and game-changing protocol development. 

A growing body of recent research confirms that the use of shockwave is non-invasive, safe, and efficacious for treating neurological diseases. As this clinical data will continue accumulating, it’s critical to stay in tune with the latest news.

The new and emerging indications for shockwave therapy are both extensive and promising. Consider all of the new treatment possibilities for your practice. Neurologically speaking, be sure to explore the following:

  • Effects of ESWT on the nervous system
  • Varying energy levels used in shockwave medicine
  • Expanding implications for neurological ESWT

ESWT, Energy, and the Nervous System

In shockwave medicine, energy is referred to as ED or ‘energy flux density.’ Typically, ED is differentiated into three levels dependent upon application: low, medium, and high.

Researchers later developed an additional category through clinical observations, now referred to as ‘nano-energy.’ These low doses were previously considered imperceptible and assumed to generate only a ‘placebo effect.’ The book reveals that researchers found that patients suffering from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome could feel the sensation when treated with ESWT at these exquisitely low levels.

Henceforth, it was determined that these same very low nano-energy levels were additionally well suited for shockwave treatment of peripheral nerves, the skin, and spasticity. 

ESWT is now an advantageous alternative when treating neurological diseases and dysfunctions, and this Level 10 book examines clinical studies on the topic. Practitioners should fully inform patients about this innovative technology and the regenerative effects and anticipated recovery period associated with treatment.

Researcher Hypothesis on Applied Energy Levels

It is postulated that the impact of shockwave energy levels and clinical effectiveness may well be related to tissue type. Highly mechanosensitive skin is exceptionally responsive to very low-energy doses (nano-energy).

Upon further consideration, it appears that:

  • Nano-energy levels impact macrophages
  • Low energy stimulates transforming growth factor (TGF) and signaling pathways
  • Medium to high energy levels, the fibroblast viability/growth, and Yes-associated protein pathways are affected

Further research is being conducted to take a closer look at differential activation and signaling of pathways related to flux density in clinical settings.

Wrap-Up on ESWT in Neurology

This new Level 10 book discusses exciting breakthroughs in the use of ESWT in Neurology. As the use of shockwave continues to evolve, it is necessary to stay abreast of new cutting-edge uses supported by clinical studies.

Following a brief introduction to the history of shockwave, a deep scientific dive is found throughout this expansive publication by covering the use of shockwave for numerous neurological conditions in great detail.

Knowing the importance of keeping our medical partners informed on the latest breakthroughs in Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy, CuraMedix is dedicated to providing education, resources, blogs, and announcing the release of Level 10 books.

Rely with confidence on the information gleaned from celebrated shockwave pioneers and experts, including Prof. Dr. Karsten Knobloch and Prof. Dr. Tomáš Nedělkai.

In the book, you’ll find graphics, data, and research that facilitate further understanding of shockwave in neurological settings. A desk reference of this kind is of inestimable value to shockwave therapy practitioners and physicians seeking information on Neurological ESWT treatment and its application in a patient setting.

Request your copy of this indispensable Level 10 desk reference today, ESWT in Neurology.

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Topics: Level 10 Research, ESWT