Acoustic Wave Therapy: Provider Reviews

“There really isn’t technology out there that’s as unique and versatile as AWT. In addition to being able to offer a non-surgical option to my patients with cellulite, I’ve been able to bring a great adjunct tool to my surgical patients and improve their results.”

Dr. Brian Bruinewicz

Chief of Plastic Surgery at Abington Memorial Hospital

“AWT represents a valuable addition to the range of treatments for connective tissue disorders that can be performed on an outpatient basis.”

Dr. Gerhard Sattler

Rosenpark Clinic

“Compared to other treatment modalities, AWT offers a decisive advantage: it induces neoangiogenesis in the target area and this provides long-term treatment success.”

Authors M. Adatto, K. Russe-Wilfingseder, K. Raegener

From Multidisciplinary Medical Applications by H. Lohrer and L. Gerdesmeyer
